With years of combined experience in executing critical projects, finance operations, world-class IT architecture, and efficient business operations, Penon Partners has a wealth of knowledge and expertise to drive the results you need. Explore some of our articles, then connect with the Penon team to start building your solution.

  • Our Key Principles to Succeed Your Digital Business Transformation

    Despite significant effort and team mobilization, many digital transformations fail to deliver the intended outcome for the business. Below, we outline the four main reasons for these shortcomings and propose our solutions:  Reasons for failing to reap benefits: Reason #1 – The business asked IT/R&D to lead the digital transformation! They tend to delegate too […]

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  • IT is too expensive!

    If you work around IT,  you have probably heard someone say “IT is too expensive” or better yet… “I can purchase a laptop at Best Buy for less than IT charges me”. The best response to this is to educate, rather than to be defensive. First, they are correct, the local electronics store is probably […]

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  • CFO: How AI Can Transform Your Finance Operations

    Most of us have already integrated AI into our daily routines: refining emails, summarizing articles, reviewing code, creating content, finding information, and preparing meetings. AI has become the personal assistant we’ve longed for over the years! What is the next step? The question for CFOs is, how will AI be integrated into our Finance operations […]

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  • Is Your Company Ready to Elevate Its HR Performance?

    At Penon Partners, we’re thrilled to introduce our new HR solutions designed to elevate your company’s HR performance and foster a culture of purpose and belonging. With our innovative approach, we aim to not only drive profitability but also enhance shareholder value, making your HR function a success.  In today’s business environment, companies face a […]

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  • Think Your Old IT Assets Are Free? Think Again!

    I have worked with several executives who like to continue using their IT assets beyond their financial lives. This is typically called “sweating” the assets. These leaders believe that once the depreciation hits $0, the asset is nearly free. This is because they are too focused on capital spending, depreciation, and amortization costs rather than […]

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  • Streamlining the Purchase to Pay Process

    Am I the only European surprised by how frequently checks are used in the United States? In a world where digital transactions are nearly instantaneous, it’s interesting to see the continued use of paper checks. When assessing a P2P process, I always recommend transitioning to Automated Clearing House (ACH). It’s a compelling solution for better efficiency.

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  • Why Hiring a Strategy Execution Firm Could Be Your Next Best Business Decision

    To capitalize on the benefits of your company’s transformation, whether it’s in the realm of business, digital, or another aspect, it’s essential to be able to execute it. Of course, it begins by defining a robust strategy and then mobilizing the necessary resources. But perhaps most importantly, the transformation must be effectively executed to ensure […]

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  • I tried AI Powered Meeting Tools…and I liked it

    For me, the art of taking comprehensive meeting minutes and managing action items efficiently can be quite challenging. Engaging actively in meetings is crucial, but it often detracts from my ability to document discussions accurately. 

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  • Evaluating the Need for Finance Transformation Consulting: A Comprehensive Quiz

    In today’s fast-paced business environment, maximizing financial operations is crucial for staying competitive and achieving sustainable growth. However, many companies find themselves facing challenges in effectively managing their financial processes. Take the quiz below to determine if your organization could benefit from the expertise of a finance transformation consultant. 

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  • Maintaining your IT Roadmap

    The creation of an IT roadmap marks the commencement of an ongoing journey rather than a finite task, necessitating preparedness for continuous evolution and strategic foresight. Regular evaluations of the IT roadmap are critical. These reviews function like essential strategy sessions, providing opportunities to assess progress, address significant challenges, and strategize forthcoming initiatives. Far from […]

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  • Transitioning to Power BI: Why Power Query is your critical first move

    Moving from Excel to Power BI is a significant step for finance teams. More than just switching tools, it’s about transforming how they manage, leverage, and share data.   Central to this shift is Power Query, your starting line in the transition to Power BI. Let’s explain.  What are the challenges of a finance team?  Managing […]

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  • Who’s on 1st? Building a Transformation Roadmap

    Congratulations you have a list of all the projects you need to complete the transformation of your area. However, how do you decide which one gets done first and what sequence they should be completed in. Do you chase the benefits, the squeaky wheel or the industry trends? How do you decide? The simple answer […]

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  • The Perils of Inexperienced Program Management

    Introduction  In the realm of digital transformation, the role of an experienced program manager cannot be overstated. As someone leading a company that thrives on guiding businesses through transformative changes, I’ve seen firsthand the difference that experienced program management can make. It’s crucial, more now than ever, to understand why entrusting your transformation to someone […]

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  • Is Power BI The New Excel? 8 Reasons Why You Should Switch your Finance teams to Power BI.

    The evolution from Excel to Power BI is not just a software upgrade—it’s a strategic development of your finance team’s capabilities. Power BI offers complete tools that address all needs of modern finance operations, from Corporate and Management reports to the team’s Performance KPi’s.   Here’s why making the switch to Power BI might be the […]

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  • Optimizing the Sales Pipeline in Your CRM 

    Having a rock solid and accurate sales pipeline is vital to maximizing both your top and bottom-line revenues. However, many companies implement Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems but fail to maximize their potential, particularly in managing the sales pipeline. The key issue lies in the inaccurate data within the Pipeline reports, derived from the Opportunity […]

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  • Is an Interim CFO the Answer to Your Company’s Challenges?

    In the dynamic world of business, a temporary Chief Financial Officer (CFO) often becomes necessary. They offer leadership and specific knowledge during important times for a company. Let’s talk about when a temporary CFO can really help. 1. An Interim CFO will help you to bridge the Recruitment Gap: When a company loses its CFO, […]

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  • Train Your AI

    Through a series of insightful interviews about Artificial Intelligence (AI) with IT executives and interactive workshops, several core themes emerged about successful use of AI. I’d like to share the first key insight with you: Just as you wouldn’t introduce a new team member to your customers without proper orientation, it’s crucial not to deploy […]

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  • Navigating the IoT and Connected Devices Landscape

    As we navigate the dynamic landscape of the digital era, the potential for innovation and growth through connected devices, 5G, and IoT has never been more promising.

    At Penon Partners, we are excited to be at the forefront of this transformative journey and are eager to share our expertise with you. Our comprehensive services span across key areas of IoT implementation, offering tailored solutions to meet your unique business needs.

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  • Four Perspectives Of A Successful IT Executive

    It may feel like middle age torture, but a successful IT Executive does need to be “drawn” and “quartered”.  They cannot focus simply on the today or this year or the future or the budget.  Spending too much time on any one will be at the detriment of the others.  Success requires spending just the right amount of time in each.  1) Today is thinking all about what your customers and […]

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  • Agile “Mess” Organization

    Most technology and services companies know agile methodologies, they may have tested it or implemented it in some parts of the organization, on their IT/R&D teams, or wider. Was agile a successful move for all of the organization in the end? I have seen companies who implemented agile methods in their organization, especially in their […]

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  • You can’t cut your way to success

    Are you tired of managing your IT budget and constantly feeling a target on your back?
    Anybody who has ever managed an IT budget knows there is a target on their back

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  • Person vs Persona

    Have you ever heard about the importance of distinguishing Who you are (The Person) and What function/role do you play (The Persona) in the professional environment? This is the clue to understanding it. The Person is the entire human being, the physical person you have in front of you. This person can be a father […]

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  • Cut Your Costs Without Cutting Your Staff

    In the face of economic challenges, many employers are exploring ways to reduce costs. Before thinking about staff reductions, which can be expensive and damaging in the long term, consider these seven techniques that protect your employees.  Review and Renegotiate Contracts: Take a closer look at your contracts, including insurance, health plans, 401K plans, and […]

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  • E=MC is Powerful

    We all know the famous Einstein formula e=mc² ; but do you know that e=mc is another powerful formula for business and project leaders as well? Let me share one of my tactics by explaining this formula. E (Efficiency) = M (Motivation) x C (Competence) This formula is used to identify the reasons why a […]

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  • Tech Talent Tango: Finding the Perfect Match for Your IT Team!

    In today’s globalized world, businesses have access to a diverse pool of IT talent which offers numerous possibilities for optimizing IT staffing strategies. Companies must carefully consider several factors, such as cost, expertise, cultural compatibility, and must decide between onshore, nearshore, and offshore staffing models. Companies must also determine whether to utilize insourced or outsourced IT services and how much senior staff vs junior staff is needed. Each of these choices presents unique challenges and benefits. This article explores staffing options and provides insights into finding the right balance for optimal IT team composition. 

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  • Building an IT Service Cost Capability

    Welcome to part IV of my five-step approach to finding the financial waste in your IT budget. Part IV is not for the faint of heart. Building an IT Service Cost Capability will require time, effort, and skills not typically found in IT organizations and a strong partnership with your Finance organization. It requires creating […]

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  • Find Cash in Your IT Contracts

    Welcome to part III of my five-step approach to finding the financial waste in your IT budget. Are you reviewing your IT contracts and invoices on a consistent basis?  You should be because there is always money to be found there. Reducing your contractual costs can be a one-time event via some quick wins, but […]

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  • Optimizing Financial Operations: A Fresh Perspective

    Financial teams often request other departments to improve their processes and reduce costs in order to focus on value-added activities. But what about enhancing their own processes and operations?  Our proposal, different from the standard approach, blends HR and Business perspectives, allowing you to enhance your processes as well as your team’s skills.  Start by […]

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  • Do you have immature ITIL processes?

    If you do, you are wasting some of your valuable IT operating budget and losing company revenue.  Welcome to part II of my five-step approach to finding the financial waste in your IT budget. Mature ITIL processes improve the reliability and repeatability of the IT services you provide. In addition, mature processes reduce the amount […]

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  • Let’s Manage Programs Together Like Pros

    Do you want to perform at leading your programs and have fun while doing it? Do you want to drive programs (large projects) by yourself, learn and become efficient, rather than delegating program management to others? Check your habits Efficient program management is done by using active and dynamic habits, driving action and execution, being […]

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  • Are my IT assets too expensive?

    If you are asking yourself this question or if your leadership is telling you they are, then you can be assured they are. The truth is that unless you are continually managing your IT assets, there will always be savings to be found.  Welcome to Part I of my five-step approach to finding the financial […]

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  • Accounts Payable Manager: 5 Factors to Consider When Choosing Your New Solution

    Don’t you think the automation of financial processes has been largely neglected? It seems to me that there are still too many offices looking like this:      or this      The good news is that multiple tools can now improve AP processes: ERP, RPA, OCR… and we can combine them!  As a continuation […]

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  • Costs of Inefficiencies, Unlock the 10X Investment

    Have you ever regretted spending $300,000 when you actually could have only spent $30,000? By hiring a consultant for $30,000 you can solve your process inefficiencies in a more timely manner resulting in very substantial financial savings. This article explains why you should make the investment and hire a consultant – Penon Partners of course! […]

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  • Don’t fall into these traps: 4 reasons your business transformations are failing and how we can solve it

    Despite a tremendous effort and mobilization of teams, many companies started transformations but didn’t achieve the desired outcomes for the business and the company. Penon Partners has identified the 4 main reasons for these shortcomings and developed solutions to help our customers avoid them. Reason #1 – Business teams tend to delegate too much to […]

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  • Billing and Accounts Receivable: 7 factors to consider before Choosing a New ERP

    Not all ERPs offer the same features. Therefore, it’s important to assess your needs, what’s mandatory, nice to have, or not really necessary. 2 companies can generate the same annual revenue, one with one monthly invoice of $1M to one customer, the other billing $12 dollars one million times a year to thousands of customers; they will surely have very different requirements.

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  • Unmasking the Invisible Dashboards: What Happens When FP&A Teams Stop Sending Reports?

    FP&A teams are often overwhelmed by operational dashboards and KPIs they must deliver, in addition to the official reporting. But what if… they suddenly stopped sending them? Just stopped, without notifying anyone… This exercise could be extremely interesting!

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  • 8 Questions to Drive More Revenue and Profit in Your B2B Business

    Key tips for B2B companies that want to increase their growth and revenue without expanding staffing or physical space. Tips include implementing a proven method of pipeline management, identifying the one thing salespeople must focus on, ensuring accurate sales projections, determining who is responsible for generating leads, using market research to better understand the market, and addressing any misalignment between key departments. Additionally, the article encourages companies to consider whether their delivery teams and client services should be operated as profit centers and to assess whether decision-making processes are preventing growth.

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  • The Key to Succeed with Digital RFP Management

    When millions of dollars of business value and optimization depend on one process, leaders better care for that process.
    In this article, we’ll view Requests for Proposals (RFP) from the demand perspective – the company that places the Request for Proposal. RFPs are estimated to have generated close to $500 billion of company spending, in 2022, globally. A large part of this spending is allocated to digital projects, of which only over a third are correctly implemented, according to recent research.
    With so much spent through RFPs, and so little of it succeeding, shouldn’t it be a priority to optimize your RFP management process?
    You will find below an overview and practical takeaways for managing RFPs.

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  • Chargebacks could hurt your Shared Service

    Shared services are when a business consolidates its support functions to better serve the corporation and its business units. Typically, this includes services such as human resources, finance and accounting, information technology, and other front and back-office services.
    By consolidating these services into a centrally managed organization, businesses can achieve efficiencies that would otherwise be difficult to achieve with decentralization. These efficiencies could be consistency in processes and reporting, or they could be reduced costs.

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  • How to start your consulting gig like a pro

    You have just been hired to perform the work as a consultant. The first meeting with your client is starting; this is the time to begin your engagement. 
    First and foremost, I would recommend not behaving as an employee who might wait for their “boss” to give them the tempo and lead their onboarding. 
    But instead, I suggest taking the initiative immediately with a proactive attitude and organized behavior. It implies starting by doing this: 

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  • For Finance, Master Data matters!

    Master data is the core data used across your enterprise, for instance: customers, vendors, items, and chart of accounts. They are non-transactional, which means they should not change over a period of time.
    Everyone agrees that master data is important and should be treated as such: better efficiency, improved decision-making, compliance, and security… but Master Data Management is costly and time-consuming. The Finance and Administration department is directly involved and impacted by these hideous hidden costs!

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  • Building IT Service Cost Capability

    Welcome to part IV of my five-step approach to finding the financial waste in your IT budget. Part IV is not for the faint of heart. Building an IT Service cost capability will require time, effort, skills not typically found in IT organizations and a strong partnership with your Finance organization. It requires creating a […]

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  • Learn some Consulting skills – Yes You Can!

    It’s not by magic neither by pure gift that experienced consultants give such positive thoughts about their work and delivery. If you think the opposite, stop reading this article, otherwise you can move forward. Have you ever asked yourself such kind of questions: How can they structure relevant thoughts from such different and complex ideas […]

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  • Find cash in your IT contracts

    Are you reviewing your IT contracts and invoices on a consistent basis? You should be because there is always money to be found there.

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  • Offering Package – Restoring a Digital/IT Project in Difficulty

    You are facing critical difficulties in your projects’ execution. Our team of experts solves these issues for you so that you can reap the expected benefits of your project.

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  • 6 Tips To Improve Your Cash Collection

    Collecting money from customers can be challenging. To ensure those sales become cash in the bank, consider the following as it relates to your company’s process: 1. Who are you? First, take the time to observe your business: who are your customers? how many are there? what kind or relationship do you have with them? […]

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  • 5 Tips For Effective Cash Management

    Cash shortages can be a nightmare for companies and the current “econovid” crisis is making businesses extremely fragile. To ensure the continuity of your business, you must protect yourself against the risk of cash shortages. Here are 5 tips to help you protect your cash.  1. Operational plan Starting point: your internal organization. Cash is […]

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  • Building a Better Operations Team – Morale

    Maintaining a strong technical professional team requires more than just hiring quality individuals. The real challenge lies in retaining and maximizing their performance. In the article “Building a Better Team – Sense of Purpose” (Gunter, J.G., 2023), the author highlights the significance of the quality “Sense of Purpose” in building a successful team. 

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  • Building a Better Operations Team – Sense of Purpose

    Many of us have encountered the unfortunate situation of hiring team members who appeared to be of high caliber only to discover that they fell short of expectations. Despite having the appropriate credentials, experience, references, and interview skills, these people frequently failed to demonstrate a capacity to generate value. They might have required regular encouragement to work, constantly found themselves distracted by personal matters, or struggled to maintain high standards of work quality when presented with difficulties. 

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  • How to Navigate your Business As a Service Transformation in B2B

    Moving to a “Business As A Service” model is quickly becoming a requirement in today’s market. Navigating your “Business As A Service” transformation is a challenge that requires a robust execution plan. So why are companies switching to a “BaaS” model and why does it make sense? Because: It answers the need for Agility, Transparency, […]

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  • Brainstorm, Decide and Execute

    In your professional context, have you ever been annoyed by subjects that are circling around, that have already been discussed or decided, but come back to the surface again and put back on the table?

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  • Are my IT assets too expensive?

    If you are asking yourself this question or if your leadership is telling you they are, then you can be assured they are.  The truth is that unless you are continually managing your IT assets, there will always be savings to be found. Reducing the cost of your IT assets can be a one-time event […]

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  • Can you say – My digital transformation project is on track?

    Are you confident enough to say that your digital transformation project is on track? Be able to clearly answer effectively to this question is key because most of the time digital transformations (related to a new system for teams) are considered easy at first approach. Because from a general point of view, as it has […]

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  • 3 differentiators that make you valuable as a consultant

    I had a great conversation with clients and consultants about the differentiators that make a consultant provide great value to clients. We agreed on these 3 characteristics: 1/ Operational Leadership – you’ve lived your client’s situation and challenges as an operational leader and you can relate. You know what worked and what is operationalizable and […]

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  • Am I Leading or Contributing to This Action?

    Have you ever lived the situation in which people were expecting the others to do things, or in which things have been done twice… This is annoying isn’t it? I consider it really important for any action, activity, or part of a project… to know who leads it (in charge) and who contributes to it […]

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  • Do you need to add an Inside Sales Team?

    If you do not have an Inside Sales Team, in addition to a “Field Sales Team”, now would be a great time to add one.  Why?  Just think of all the tasks that your Field Sales Team has to manage and prioritize, and then consider what is likely to get the most of their attention. […]

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  • Sales Training and Coaching – a winning combination in effecting change

    Sales leaders are always looking for new ways to go to market.  They think about changing their messaging, employing new sales development techniques, and finding diverse ways to engage with new and existing customers. In this bounce back environment, salespeople will need to master the skill set for a hybrid approach to customer engagement. An […]

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  • How to Succeed in Your Remote Onboarding

    As a new employee joining a company, especially in this remote work environment, don’t you think it is a real challenge to be proactive, become integrated and succeed your onboarding? I think it is tough and needs a special article on this topic. To overcome this new challenge you can either be passive and rely […]

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  • Is Servant Leadership a new concept?

    Is Servant Leadership a new concept? Does it provide a modern and relevant new perspective to serve people? What is servant leadership? Is it an extract and an adaptation of some of the Bible’s main principles adapted to the digital 21st-century reader? Is it the new name given to the Dale Carnegie’s and James Covey’s […]

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  • How well connected are your Inside Sales and Field Sales Teams?

    How well connected are your Inside Sales and Field Sales Teams? For companies that have both Inside Sales and Field Sales Teams, the Missions and Metrics for each are generally defined as follows. Note – If you only have a Field Sales Team and they are responsible for all their own Lead generation, perhaps it […]

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  • The Workplace of Now

    I keep hearing the question, what is “the future of work” or “the workplace of the future” and I think we are asking the wrong question because the workplace has changed and it is “the workplace of Now”. The world was forced to make a quantum leap in how to conduct business and didn’t have […]

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  • Is it time to change how you implement changes?

    A lot gets said about change.  “Change is inevitable”.  “Change is hard”.  “Change is necessary”.  “The only constant is change”.  “Change is good”. All these are true, but what does not get said so often is that implementing and executing change in a manner that makes the changes stick AND deliver the expected benefits is […]

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  • The Perils of Inexperienced Program Management

    Introduction  In the realm of digital transformation, the role of an experienced program manager cannot be overstated. As someone leading a company that thrives on guiding businesses through transformative changes, I’ve seen firsthand the difference that experienced program management can make. It’s crucial, more now than ever, to understand why entrusting your transformation to someone […]

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  • Person vs Persona

    Have you ever heard about the importance of distinguishing Who you are (The Person) and What function/role do you play (The Persona) in the professional environment? This is the clue to understanding it. The Person is the entire human being, the physical person you have in front of you. This person can be a father […]

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  • E=MC is Powerful

    We all know the famous Einstein formula e=mc² ; but do you know that e=mc is another powerful formula for business and project leaders as well? Let me share one of my tactics by explaining this formula. E (Efficiency) = M (Motivation) x C (Competence) This formula is used to identify the reasons why a […]

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  • Let’s Manage Programs Together Like Pros

    Do you want to perform at leading your programs and have fun while doing it? Do you want to drive programs (large projects) by yourself, learn and become efficient, rather than delegating program management to others? Check your habits Efficient program management is done by using active and dynamic habits, driving action and execution, being […]

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  • The Key to Succeed with Digital RFP Management

    When millions of dollars of business value and optimization depend on one process, leaders better care for that process.
    In this article, we’ll view Requests for Proposals (RFP) from the demand perspective – the company that places the Request for Proposal. RFPs are estimated to have generated close to $500 billion of company spending, in 2022, globally. A large part of this spending is allocated to digital projects, of which only over a third are correctly implemented, according to recent research.
    With so much spent through RFPs, and so little of it succeeding, shouldn’t it be a priority to optimize your RFP management process?
    You will find below an overview and practical takeaways for managing RFPs.

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  • How to start your consulting gig like a pro

    You have just been hired to perform the work as a consultant. The first meeting with your client is starting; this is the time to begin your engagement. 
    First and foremost, I would recommend not behaving as an employee who might wait for their “boss” to give them the tempo and lead their onboarding. 
    But instead, I suggest taking the initiative immediately with a proactive attitude and organized behavior. It implies starting by doing this: 

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  • Learn some Consulting skills – Yes You Can!

    It’s not by magic neither by pure gift that experienced consultants give such positive thoughts about their work and delivery. If you think the opposite, stop reading this article, otherwise you can move forward. Have you ever asked yourself such kind of questions: How can they structure relevant thoughts from such different and complex ideas […]

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  • Offering Package – Restoring a Digital/IT Project in Difficulty

    You are facing critical difficulties in your projects’ execution. Our team of experts solves these issues for you so that you can reap the expected benefits of your project.

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  • How to Navigate your Business As a Service Transformation in B2B

    Moving to a “Business As A Service” model is quickly becoming a requirement in today’s market. Navigating your “Business As A Service” transformation is a challenge that requires a robust execution plan. So why are companies switching to a “BaaS” model and why does it make sense? Because: It answers the need for Agility, Transparency, […]

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  • Brainstorm, Decide and Execute

    In your professional context, have you ever been annoyed by subjects that are circling around, that have already been discussed or decided, but come back to the surface again and put back on the table?

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  • Can you say – My digital transformation project is on track?

    Are you confident enough to say that your digital transformation project is on track? Be able to clearly answer effectively to this question is key because most of the time digital transformations (related to a new system for teams) are considered easy at first approach. Because from a general point of view, as it has […]

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  • Am I Leading or Contributing to This Action?

    Have you ever lived the situation in which people were expecting the others to do things, or in which things have been done twice… This is annoying isn’t it? I consider it really important for any action, activity, or part of a project… to know who leads it (in charge) and who contributes to it […]

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  • Do you need to add an Inside Sales Team?

    If you do not have an Inside Sales Team, in addition to a “Field Sales Team”, now would be a great time to add one.  Why?  Just think of all the tasks that your Field Sales Team has to manage and prioritize, and then consider what is likely to get the most of their attention. […]

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  • How to Succeed in Your Remote Onboarding

    As a new employee joining a company, especially in this remote work environment, don’t you think it is a real challenge to be proactive, become integrated and succeed your onboarding? I think it is tough and needs a special article on this topic. To overcome this new challenge you can either be passive and rely […]

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  • Is Servant Leadership a new concept?

    Is Servant Leadership a new concept? Does it provide a modern and relevant new perspective to serve people? What is servant leadership? Is it an extract and an adaptation of some of the Bible’s main principles adapted to the digital 21st-century reader? Is it the new name given to the Dale Carnegie’s and James Covey’s […]

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  • Is it time to change how you implement changes?

    A lot gets said about change.  “Change is inevitable”.  “Change is hard”.  “Change is necessary”.  “The only constant is change”.  “Change is good”. All these are true, but what does not get said so often is that implementing and executing change in a manner that makes the changes stick AND deliver the expected benefits is […]

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  • IT is too expensive!

    If you work around IT,  you have probably heard someone say “IT is too expensive” or better yet… “I can purchase a laptop at Best Buy for less than IT charges me”. The best response to this is to educate, rather than to be defensive. First, they are correct, the local electronics store is probably […]

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  • Think Your Old IT Assets Are Free? Think Again!

    I have worked with several executives who like to continue using their IT assets beyond their financial lives. This is typically called “sweating” the assets. These leaders believe that once the depreciation hits $0, the asset is nearly free. This is because they are too focused on capital spending, depreciation, and amortization costs rather than […]

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  • I tried AI Powered Meeting Tools…and I liked it

    For me, the art of taking comprehensive meeting minutes and managing action items efficiently can be quite challenging. Engaging actively in meetings is crucial, but it often detracts from my ability to document discussions accurately. 

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  • Maintaining your IT Roadmap

    The creation of an IT roadmap marks the commencement of an ongoing journey rather than a finite task, necessitating preparedness for continuous evolution and strategic foresight. Regular evaluations of the IT roadmap are critical. These reviews function like essential strategy sessions, providing opportunities to assess progress, address significant challenges, and strategize forthcoming initiatives. Far from […]

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  • Who’s on 1st? Building a Transformation Roadmap

    Congratulations you have a list of all the projects you need to complete the transformation of your area. However, how do you decide which one gets done first and what sequence they should be completed in. Do you chase the benefits, the squeaky wheel or the industry trends? How do you decide? The simple answer […]

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  • Train Your AI

    Through a series of insightful interviews about Artificial Intelligence (AI) with IT executives and interactive workshops, several core themes emerged about successful use of AI. I’d like to share the first key insight with you: Just as you wouldn’t introduce a new team member to your customers without proper orientation, it’s crucial not to deploy […]

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  • Four Perspectives Of A Successful IT Executive

    It may feel like middle age torture, but a successful IT Executive does need to be “drawn” and “quartered”.  They cannot focus simply on the today or this year or the future or the budget.  Spending too much time on any one will be at the detriment of the others.  Success requires spending just the right amount of time in each.  1) Today is thinking all about what your customers and […]

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  • You can’t cut your way to success

    Are you tired of managing your IT budget and constantly feeling a target on your back?
    Anybody who has ever managed an IT budget knows there is a target on their back

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  • E=MC is Powerful

    We all know the famous Einstein formula e=mc² ; but do you know that e=mc is another powerful formula for business and project leaders as well? Let me share one of my tactics by explaining this formula. E (Efficiency) = M (Motivation) x C (Competence) This formula is used to identify the reasons why a […]

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  • Tech Talent Tango: Finding the Perfect Match for Your IT Team!

    In today’s globalized world, businesses have access to a diverse pool of IT talent which offers numerous possibilities for optimizing IT staffing strategies. Companies must carefully consider several factors, such as cost, expertise, cultural compatibility, and must decide between onshore, nearshore, and offshore staffing models. Companies must also determine whether to utilize insourced or outsourced IT services and how much senior staff vs junior staff is needed. Each of these choices presents unique challenges and benefits. This article explores staffing options and provides insights into finding the right balance for optimal IT team composition. 

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  • Building an IT Service Cost Capability

    Welcome to part IV of my five-step approach to finding the financial waste in your IT budget. Part IV is not for the faint of heart. Building an IT Service Cost Capability will require time, effort, and skills not typically found in IT organizations and a strong partnership with your Finance organization. It requires creating […]

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  • Find Cash in Your IT Contracts

    Welcome to part III of my five-step approach to finding the financial waste in your IT budget. Are you reviewing your IT contracts and invoices on a consistent basis?  You should be because there is always money to be found there. Reducing your contractual costs can be a one-time event via some quick wins, but […]

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  • Do you have immature ITIL processes?

    If you do, you are wasting some of your valuable IT operating budget and losing company revenue.  Welcome to part II of my five-step approach to finding the financial waste in your IT budget. Mature ITIL processes improve the reliability and repeatability of the IT services you provide. In addition, mature processes reduce the amount […]

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  • Are my IT assets too expensive?

    If you are asking yourself this question or if your leadership is telling you they are, then you can be assured they are. The truth is that unless you are continually managing your IT assets, there will always be savings to be found.  Welcome to Part I of my five-step approach to finding the financial […]

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  • Chargebacks could hurt your Shared Service

    Shared services are when a business consolidates its support functions to better serve the corporation and its business units. Typically, this includes services such as human resources, finance and accounting, information technology, and other front and back-office services.
    By consolidating these services into a centrally managed organization, businesses can achieve efficiencies that would otherwise be difficult to achieve with decentralization. These efficiencies could be consistency in processes and reporting, or they could be reduced costs.

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  • How to start your consulting gig like a pro

    You have just been hired to perform the work as a consultant. The first meeting with your client is starting; this is the time to begin your engagement. 
    First and foremost, I would recommend not behaving as an employee who might wait for their “boss” to give them the tempo and lead their onboarding. 
    But instead, I suggest taking the initiative immediately with a proactive attitude and organized behavior. It implies starting by doing this: 

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  • Building IT Service Cost Capability

    Welcome to part IV of my five-step approach to finding the financial waste in your IT budget. Part IV is not for the faint of heart. Building an IT Service cost capability will require time, effort, skills not typically found in IT organizations and a strong partnership with your Finance organization. It requires creating a […]

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  • Learn some Consulting skills – Yes You Can!

    It’s not by magic neither by pure gift that experienced consultants give such positive thoughts about their work and delivery. If you think the opposite, stop reading this article, otherwise you can move forward. Have you ever asked yourself such kind of questions: How can they structure relevant thoughts from such different and complex ideas […]

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  • Find cash in your IT contracts

    Are you reviewing your IT contracts and invoices on a consistent basis? You should be because there is always money to be found there.

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  • Offering Package – Restoring a Digital/IT Project in Difficulty

    You are facing critical difficulties in your projects’ execution. Our team of experts solves these issues for you so that you can reap the expected benefits of your project.

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  • Building a Better Operations Team – Morale

    Maintaining a strong technical professional team requires more than just hiring quality individuals. The real challenge lies in retaining and maximizing their performance. In the article “Building a Better Team – Sense of Purpose” (Gunter, J.G., 2023), the author highlights the significance of the quality “Sense of Purpose” in building a successful team. 

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  • Building a Better Operations Team – Sense of Purpose

    Many of us have encountered the unfortunate situation of hiring team members who appeared to be of high caliber only to discover that they fell short of expectations. Despite having the appropriate credentials, experience, references, and interview skills, these people frequently failed to demonstrate a capacity to generate value. They might have required regular encouragement to work, constantly found themselves distracted by personal matters, or struggled to maintain high standards of work quality when presented with difficulties. 

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  • Are my IT assets too expensive?

    If you are asking yourself this question or if your leadership is telling you they are, then you can be assured they are.  The truth is that unless you are continually managing your IT assets, there will always be savings to be found. Reducing the cost of your IT assets can be a one-time event […]

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  • How to Succeed in Your Remote Onboarding

    As a new employee joining a company, especially in this remote work environment, don’t you think it is a real challenge to be proactive, become integrated and succeed your onboarding? I think it is tough and needs a special article on this topic. To overcome this new challenge you can either be passive and rely […]

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  • CFO: How AI Can Transform Your Finance Operations

    Most of us have already integrated AI into our daily routines: refining emails, summarizing articles, reviewing code, creating content, finding information, and preparing meetings. AI has become the personal assistant we’ve longed for over the years! What is the next step? The question for CFOs is, how will AI be integrated into our Finance operations […]

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  • Streamlining the Purchase to Pay Process

    Am I the only European surprised by how frequently checks are used in the United States? In a world where digital transactions are nearly instantaneous, it’s interesting to see the continued use of paper checks. When assessing a P2P process, I always recommend transitioning to Automated Clearing House (ACH). It’s a compelling solution for better efficiency.

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  • Evaluating the Need for Finance Transformation Consulting: A Comprehensive Quiz

    In today’s fast-paced business environment, maximizing financial operations is crucial for staying competitive and achieving sustainable growth. However, many companies find themselves facing challenges in effectively managing their financial processes. Take the quiz below to determine if your organization could benefit from the expertise of a finance transformation consultant. 

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  • Transitioning to Power BI: Why Power Query is your critical first move

    Moving from Excel to Power BI is a significant step for finance teams. More than just switching tools, it’s about transforming how they manage, leverage, and share data.   Central to this shift is Power Query, your starting line in the transition to Power BI. Let’s explain.  What are the challenges of a finance team?  Managing […]

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  • Is Power BI The New Excel? 8 Reasons Why You Should Switch your Finance teams to Power BI.

    The evolution from Excel to Power BI is not just a software upgrade—it’s a strategic development of your finance team’s capabilities. Power BI offers complete tools that address all needs of modern finance operations, from Corporate and Management reports to the team’s Performance KPi’s.   Here’s why making the switch to Power BI might be the […]

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  • Is an Interim CFO the Answer to Your Company’s Challenges?

    In the dynamic world of business, a temporary Chief Financial Officer (CFO) often becomes necessary. They offer leadership and specific knowledge during important times for a company. Let’s talk about when a temporary CFO can really help. 1. An Interim CFO will help you to bridge the Recruitment Gap: When a company loses its CFO, […]

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  • Cut Your Costs Without Cutting Your Staff

    In the face of economic challenges, many employers are exploring ways to reduce costs. Before thinking about staff reductions, which can be expensive and damaging in the long term, consider these seven techniques that protect your employees.  Review and Renegotiate Contracts: Take a closer look at your contracts, including insurance, health plans, 401K plans, and […]

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  • E=MC is Powerful

    We all know the famous Einstein formula e=mc² ; but do you know that e=mc is another powerful formula for business and project leaders as well? Let me share one of my tactics by explaining this formula. E (Efficiency) = M (Motivation) x C (Competence) This formula is used to identify the reasons why a […]

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  • Optimizing Financial Operations: A Fresh Perspective

    Financial teams often request other departments to improve their processes and reduce costs in order to focus on value-added activities. But what about enhancing their own processes and operations?  Our proposal, different from the standard approach, blends HR and Business perspectives, allowing you to enhance your processes as well as your team’s skills.  Start by […]

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  • Accounts Payable Manager: 5 Factors to Consider When Choosing Your New Solution

    Don’t you think the automation of financial processes has been largely neglected? It seems to me that there are still too many offices looking like this:      or this      The good news is that multiple tools can now improve AP processes: ERP, RPA, OCR… and we can combine them!  As a continuation […]

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  • Billing and Accounts Receivable: 7 factors to consider before Choosing a New ERP

    Not all ERPs offer the same features. Therefore, it’s important to assess your needs, what’s mandatory, nice to have, or not really necessary. 2 companies can generate the same annual revenue, one with one monthly invoice of $1M to one customer, the other billing $12 dollars one million times a year to thousands of customers; they will surely have very different requirements.

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  • Unmasking the Invisible Dashboards: What Happens When FP&A Teams Stop Sending Reports?

    FP&A teams are often overwhelmed by operational dashboards and KPIs they must deliver, in addition to the official reporting. But what if… they suddenly stopped sending them? Just stopped, without notifying anyone… This exercise could be extremely interesting!

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  • Chargebacks could hurt your Shared Service

    Shared services are when a business consolidates its support functions to better serve the corporation and its business units. Typically, this includes services such as human resources, finance and accounting, information technology, and other front and back-office services.
    By consolidating these services into a centrally managed organization, businesses can achieve efficiencies that would otherwise be difficult to achieve with decentralization. These efficiencies could be consistency in processes and reporting, or they could be reduced costs.

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  • How to start your consulting gig like a pro

    You have just been hired to perform the work as a consultant. The first meeting with your client is starting; this is the time to begin your engagement. 
    First and foremost, I would recommend not behaving as an employee who might wait for their “boss” to give them the tempo and lead their onboarding. 
    But instead, I suggest taking the initiative immediately with a proactive attitude and organized behavior. It implies starting by doing this: 

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  • For Finance, Master Data matters!

    Master data is the core data used across your enterprise, for instance: customers, vendors, items, and chart of accounts. They are non-transactional, which means they should not change over a period of time.
    Everyone agrees that master data is important and should be treated as such: better efficiency, improved decision-making, compliance, and security… but Master Data Management is costly and time-consuming. The Finance and Administration department is directly involved and impacted by these hideous hidden costs!

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  • Learn some Consulting skills – Yes You Can!

    It’s not by magic neither by pure gift that experienced consultants give such positive thoughts about their work and delivery. If you think the opposite, stop reading this article, otherwise you can move forward. Have you ever asked yourself such kind of questions: How can they structure relevant thoughts from such different and complex ideas […]

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  • Find cash in your IT contracts

    Are you reviewing your IT contracts and invoices on a consistent basis? You should be because there is always money to be found there.

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  • 6 Tips To Improve Your Cash Collection

    Collecting money from customers can be challenging. To ensure those sales become cash in the bank, consider the following as it relates to your company’s process: 1. Who are you? First, take the time to observe your business: who are your customers? how many are there? what kind or relationship do you have with them? […]

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  • 5 Tips For Effective Cash Management

    Cash shortages can be a nightmare for companies and the current “econovid” crisis is making businesses extremely fragile. To ensure the continuity of your business, you must protect yourself against the risk of cash shortages. Here are 5 tips to help you protect your cash.  1. Operational plan Starting point: your internal organization. Cash is […]

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  • Am I Leading or Contributing to This Action?

    Have you ever lived the situation in which people were expecting the others to do things, or in which things have been done twice… This is annoying isn’t it? I consider it really important for any action, activity, or part of a project… to know who leads it (in charge) and who contributes to it […]

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  • How to Succeed in Your Remote Onboarding

    As a new employee joining a company, especially in this remote work environment, don’t you think it is a real challenge to be proactive, become integrated and succeed your onboarding? I think it is tough and needs a special article on this topic. To overcome this new challenge you can either be passive and rely […]

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  • Is Servant Leadership a new concept?

    Is Servant Leadership a new concept? Does it provide a modern and relevant new perspective to serve people? What is servant leadership? Is it an extract and an adaptation of some of the Bible’s main principles adapted to the digital 21st-century reader? Is it the new name given to the Dale Carnegie’s and James Covey’s […]

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  • Our Key Principles to Succeed Your Digital Business Transformation

    Despite significant effort and team mobilization, many digital transformations fail to deliver the intended outcome for the business. Below, we outline the four main reasons for these shortcomings and propose our solutions:  Reasons for failing to reap benefits: Reason #1 – The business asked IT/R&D to lead the digital transformation! They tend to delegate too […]

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  • Is Your Company Ready to Elevate Its HR Performance?

    At Penon Partners, we’re thrilled to introduce our new HR solutions designed to elevate your company’s HR performance and foster a culture of purpose and belonging. With our innovative approach, we aim to not only drive profitability but also enhance shareholder value, making your HR function a success.  In today’s business environment, companies face a […]

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  • Why Hiring a Strategy Execution Firm Could Be Your Next Best Business Decision

    To capitalize on the benefits of your company’s transformation, whether it’s in the realm of business, digital, or another aspect, it’s essential to be able to execute it. Of course, it begins by defining a robust strategy and then mobilizing the necessary resources. But perhaps most importantly, the transformation must be effectively executed to ensure […]

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  • Optimizing the Sales Pipeline in Your CRM 

    Having a rock solid and accurate sales pipeline is vital to maximizing both your top and bottom-line revenues. However, many companies implement Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems but fail to maximize their potential, particularly in managing the sales pipeline. The key issue lies in the inaccurate data within the Pipeline reports, derived from the Opportunity […]

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  • Navigating the IoT and Connected Devices Landscape

    As we navigate the dynamic landscape of the digital era, the potential for innovation and growth through connected devices, 5G, and IoT has never been more promising.

    At Penon Partners, we are excited to be at the forefront of this transformative journey and are eager to share our expertise with you. Our comprehensive services span across key areas of IoT implementation, offering tailored solutions to meet your unique business needs.

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  • Agile “Mess” Organization

    Most technology and services companies know agile methodologies, they may have tested it or implemented it in some parts of the organization, on their IT/R&D teams, or wider. Was agile a successful move for all of the organization in the end? I have seen companies who implemented agile methods in their organization, especially in their […]

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  • E=MC is Powerful

    We all know the famous Einstein formula e=mc² ; but do you know that e=mc is another powerful formula for business and project leaders as well? Let me share one of my tactics by explaining this formula. E (Efficiency) = M (Motivation) x C (Competence) This formula is used to identify the reasons why a […]

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  • Let’s Manage Programs Together Like Pros

    Do you want to perform at leading your programs and have fun while doing it? Do you want to drive programs (large projects) by yourself, learn and become efficient, rather than delegating program management to others? Check your habits Efficient program management is done by using active and dynamic habits, driving action and execution, being […]

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  • Costs of Inefficiencies, Unlock the 10X Investment

    Have you ever regretted spending $300,000 when you actually could have only spent $30,000? By hiring a consultant for $30,000 you can solve your process inefficiencies in a more timely manner resulting in very substantial financial savings. This article explains why you should make the investment and hire a consultant – Penon Partners of course! […]

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  • Don’t fall into these traps: 4 reasons your business transformations are failing and how we can solve it

    Despite a tremendous effort and mobilization of teams, many companies started transformations but didn’t achieve the desired outcomes for the business and the company. Penon Partners has identified the 4 main reasons for these shortcomings and developed solutions to help our customers avoid them. Reason #1 – Business teams tend to delegate too much to […]

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  • 8 Questions to Drive More Revenue and Profit in Your B2B Business

    Key tips for B2B companies that want to increase their growth and revenue without expanding staffing or physical space. Tips include implementing a proven method of pipeline management, identifying the one thing salespeople must focus on, ensuring accurate sales projections, determining who is responsible for generating leads, using market research to better understand the market, and addressing any misalignment between key departments. Additionally, the article encourages companies to consider whether their delivery teams and client services should be operated as profit centers and to assess whether decision-making processes are preventing growth.

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  • How to start your consulting gig like a pro

    You have just been hired to perform the work as a consultant. The first meeting with your client is starting; this is the time to begin your engagement. 
    First and foremost, I would recommend not behaving as an employee who might wait for their “boss” to give them the tempo and lead their onboarding. 
    But instead, I suggest taking the initiative immediately with a proactive attitude and organized behavior. It implies starting by doing this: 

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  • Learn some Consulting skills – Yes You Can!

    It’s not by magic neither by pure gift that experienced consultants give such positive thoughts about their work and delivery. If you think the opposite, stop reading this article, otherwise you can move forward. Have you ever asked yourself such kind of questions: How can they structure relevant thoughts from such different and complex ideas […]

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  • How to Navigate your Business As a Service Transformation in B2B

    Moving to a “Business As A Service” model is quickly becoming a requirement in today’s market. Navigating your “Business As A Service” transformation is a challenge that requires a robust execution plan. So why are companies switching to a “BaaS” model and why does it make sense? Because: It answers the need for Agility, Transparency, […]

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  • 3 differentiators that make you valuable as a consultant

    I had a great conversation with clients and consultants about the differentiators that make a consultant provide great value to clients. We agreed on these 3 characteristics: 1/ Operational Leadership – you’ve lived your client’s situation and challenges as an operational leader and you can relate. You know what worked and what is operationalizable and […]

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  • Sales Training and Coaching – a winning combination in effecting change

    Sales leaders are always looking for new ways to go to market.  They think about changing their messaging, employing new sales development techniques, and finding diverse ways to engage with new and existing customers. In this bounce back environment, salespeople will need to master the skill set for a hybrid approach to customer engagement. An […]

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  • How to Succeed in Your Remote Onboarding

    As a new employee joining a company, especially in this remote work environment, don’t you think it is a real challenge to be proactive, become integrated and succeed your onboarding? I think it is tough and needs a special article on this topic. To overcome this new challenge you can either be passive and rely […]

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  • Is Servant Leadership a new concept?

    Is Servant Leadership a new concept? Does it provide a modern and relevant new perspective to serve people? What is servant leadership? Is it an extract and an adaptation of some of the Bible’s main principles adapted to the digital 21st-century reader? Is it the new name given to the Dale Carnegie’s and James Covey’s […]

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  • How well connected are your Inside Sales and Field Sales Teams?

    How well connected are your Inside Sales and Field Sales Teams? For companies that have both Inside Sales and Field Sales Teams, the Missions and Metrics for each are generally defined as follows. Note – If you only have a Field Sales Team and they are responsible for all their own Lead generation, perhaps it […]

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  • The Workplace of Now

    I keep hearing the question, what is “the future of work” or “the workplace of the future” and I think we are asking the wrong question because the workplace has changed and it is “the workplace of Now”. The world was forced to make a quantum leap in how to conduct business and didn’t have […]

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  • Is it time to change how you implement changes?

    A lot gets said about change.  “Change is inevitable”.  “Change is hard”.  “Change is necessary”.  “The only constant is change”.  “Change is good”. All these are true, but what does not get said so often is that implementing and executing change in a manner that makes the changes stick AND deliver the expected benefits is […]

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