carole, Finance Transformation, HP - Finance Transformation
FP&A teams are often overwhelmed by operational dashboards and KPIs they must deliver, in addition to the official reporting. But what if… they suddenly stopped sending them? Just stopped, without notifying anyone… This exercise could be extremely...
jean-christophe, Penon News
Penon Partners is proud to announce that it has been named “Most Promising Digital Transformation Services Provider 2023”. Presented by CIO Review, the recognition highlights Penon’s leadership on the forefront of transforming businesses through digital transformation...
david, HP - Operational Efficiency, Operational Efficiency
Are you a B2B company that sells software or goods and services to businesses, and needs to break out from a lull or even stagnation in your growth and hit your stride? Here are key questions to ask yourself to ensure you keep the momentum going, solidly gain...
HP - Program Management, jean-christophe, Program Management
When millions of dollars of business value and optimization depend on one process, leaders better care for that process. In this article, we’ll view Requests for Proposals (RFP) from the demand perspective – the company that places the Request for Proposal. RFPs are...
andy, consultants, Finance Transformation, IT excellence
Shared services are when a business consolidates its support functions to better serve the corporation and its business units. Typically, this includes services such as human resources, finance and accounting, information technology, and other front and back-office...
consultants, Finance Transformation, HP - Program Management, IT excellence, jean-christophe, Operational Efficiency, Program Management
You have just been hired to perform the work as a consultant. The first meeting with your client is starting; this is the time to begin your engagement. First and foremost, I would recommend not behaving as an employee who might wait for their “boss” to...