HP - Operational Efficiency, jean-christophe, Operational Efficiency
Most technology and services companies know agile methodologies, they may have tested it or implemented it in some parts of the organization, on their IT/R&D teams, or wider. Was agile a successful move for all of the organization in the end? I have seen companies...
Finance Transformation, HP - Finance Transformation, IT excellence, jean-christophe, Operational Efficiency, Program Management
We all know the famous Einstein formula e=mc² ; but do you know that e=mc is another powerful formula for business and project leaders as well? Let me share one of my tactics by explaining this formula. E (Efficiency) = M (Motivation) x C (Competence) This formula is...
HP - Program Management, jean-christophe, Operational Efficiency, Program Management
Do you want to perform at leading your programs and have fun while doing it? Do you want to drive programs (large projects) by yourself, learn and become efficient, rather than delegating program management to others? Check your habits Efficient program management is...
HP - Operational Efficiency, jean-christophe, Operational Efficiency
Have you ever regretted spending $300,000 when you actually could have only spent $30,000? By hiring a consultant for $30,000 you can solve your process inefficiencies in a more timely manner resulting in very substantial financial savings. This article explains why...
jean-christophe, Operational Efficiency
Despite a tremendous effort and mobilization of teams, many companies started transformations but didn’t achieve the desired outcomes for the business and the company. Penon Partners has identified the 4 main reasons for these shortcomings and developed solutions to...
david, HP - Operational Efficiency, Operational Efficiency
Are you a B2B company that sells software or goods and services to businesses, and needs to break out from a lull or even stagnation in your growth and hit your stride? Here are key questions to ask yourself to ensure you keep the momentum going, solidly gain...