carole, Finance Transformation, HP - Finance Transformation
Collecting money from customers can be challenging. To ensure those sales become cash in the bank, consider the following as it relates to your company’s process: 1. Who are you? First, take the time to observe your business: who are your customers? how many are...
carole, Finance Transformation, HP - Finance Transformation
Cash shortages can be a nightmare for companies and the current “econovid” crisis is making businesses extremely fragile. To ensure the continuity of your business, you must protect yourself against the risk of cash shortages. Here are 5 tips to help you protect your...
HP - IT Excellence, IT excellence, Uncategorized
Maintaining a strong technical professional team requires more than just hiring quality individuals. The real challenge lies in retaining and maximizing their performance. In the article “Building a Better Team – Sense of Purpose” (Gunter, J.G.,...
HP - IT Excellence, IT excellence
Many of us have encountered the unfortunate situation of hiring team members who appeared to be of high caliber only to discover that they fell short of expectations. Despite having the appropriate credentials, experience, references, and interview skills, these...
HP - Operational Efficiency, jean-christophe, Operational Efficiency, Program Management
Moving to a “Business As A Service” model is quickly becoming a requirement in today’s market. Navigating your “Business As A Service” transformation is a challenge that requires a robust execution plan. So why are companies switching to a “BaaS” model and why does it...
HP - Program Management, jean-christophe, Program Management
In your professional context, have you ever been annoyed by subjects that are circling around, that have already been discussed or decided, but come back to the surface again and put back on the table? Have you ever asked yourself, “why are we talking about this...