consultants, Finance Transformation, HP - Program Management, IT excellence, jean-christophe, Operational Efficiency, Program Management
You have just been hired to perform the work as a consultant. The first meeting with your client is starting; this is the time to begin your engagement. First and foremost, I would recommend not behaving as an employee who might wait for their “boss” to...
carole, Finance Transformation, HP - Finance Transformation
Master data is the core data used across your enterprise, for instance: customers, vendors, items, and chart of accounts. They are non-transactional, which means they should not change over a period of time. Everyone agrees that master data is important and should be...
andy, HP - IT Excellence, IT excellence
Welcome to part IV of my five-step approach to finding the financial waste in your IT budget. Part IV is not for the faint of heart. Building an IT Service cost capability will require time, effort, skills not typically found in IT organizations and a strong...
Finance Transformation, HP - Program Management, IT excellence, jean-christophe, Operational Efficiency, Program Management
It’s not by magic neither by pure gift that experienced consultants give such positive thoughts about their work and delivery. If you think the opposite, stop reading this article, otherwise you can move forward. Have you ever asked yourself such kind of questions:...
andy, Finance Transformation, HP - IT Excellence, IT excellence
Welcome to part III of my five-step approach to finding the financial waste in your budget. Are you reviewing your IT contracts and invoices on a consistent basis? You should be because there is always money to be found there. Contract Renewals: If you have contracts...
HP - Operational Efficiency, IT excellence, jean-christophe, Program Management
If you are facing these difficulties in your project execution: Delay Weak Outcome Missing target Over Budget Changing Scope Unclear Governance Our team of experts solves these issues for you so that you can reap the expected benefits of your project. Meet JC from...