andy, HP - IT Excellence, IT excellence
If you are asking yourself this question or if your leadership is telling you they are, then you can be assured they are. The truth is that unless you are continually managing your IT assets, there will always be savings to be found. Reducing the cost of your IT...
HP - Program Management, jean-christophe, Program Management
Are you confident enough to say that your digital transformation project is on track? Be able to clearly answer effectively to this question is key because most of the time digital transformations (related to a new system for teams) are considered easy at first...
HP - Operational Efficiency, jean-christophe, Operational Efficiency
I had a great conversation with clients and consultants about the differentiators that make a consultant provide great value to clients. We agreed on these 3 characteristics: 1/ Operational Leadership – you’ve lived your client’s situation and...
Finance Transformation, HP - Finance Transformation, jean-christophe, Program Management
Have you ever lived the situation in which people were expecting the others to do things, or in which things have been done twice… This is annoying isn’t it? I consider it really important for any action, activity, or part of a project… to know who leads it (in...
carole, Finance Transformation, HP - Finance Transformation
“Where is the printer?” (This Article is the first of 3 articles on Corporate Print costs reduction) Who has not heard this question from a new employee or a visitor from a different site? There are usually two approaches for printing: First, the traditional, and a...
andy, HP - IT Excellence, IT excellence
Do you have immature ITIL processes? If you do, you are wasting some of your valuable IT operating budget and losing company revenue. Mature ITIL processes improve the reliability and repeatability of the IT services you provide. In addition, mature processes reduce...